Election is around the corner in Bangladesh. Election comes and goes, but the fate of the Hindu minority community never changes. Same atrocities, same deprivation, same discrimination remains.
But for last few years, several Hindu leaderships have come up and are fighting for the rights and dignities of the persecuted Hindu community. But the ruling party Awami League, led by Seikh Hasina has given lip service in past and is doing exactly the same thing in present. Although she tried her best to control islamic radicali elements.
So, after watching and studying closely, consulting with several Hindu leaderships of Bangladesh, we are presenting some demands:
Ministry of Minority Affairs
Bangladesh have to take immediate steps to form a independent ministry to look after the affairs related minority communities like Hindu, Buddhist and Christians. This ministry should be an independent ministry from present ‘Dharma Mantranalay’.
Reservation for SC/ST Hindu minorities in Govt Jobs
After liberation of Bangladesh, due to ongoing process of ethnic cleansing, population of Hindu minorities have been drastically decreased. Through all these years, Hindu minorities have been deprived from govt jobs and other benefits. Govt should immediately implement SC/ST quota status after assessing the cast and give their due reservation benefits.
Minority Commission
Looking at the continuous atrocities on minority Hindu and other communities, formation of ‘Minority Commision’ is the need of the hour. The commision must have the power to look after the cases of atrocities, rape, murders and other crimes against minorities.
60 Seats reserved in National Parliament for Minorities
To increase the numbers of representatives in Parliament and to push the idea of inclusiveness, Govt must reserve minimum 60 Seats in National Parliament for Minorities. Among 60 Seats, 50 Seats should be reserved for Hindus and other 10 Seats should be reserved for Buddhist and Christians.
Central Portal for Hindu Temples and it’s Land
Govt should take an initiative to create a Central Portal or Website for Hindu Temples. All the temples should be enlisted in the portal. Also details of Temple Land should be marked and recognised by Govt and documented in that portal. So that problem of encroachment of Temple land should be solved.
Wage Hike for Hindu tribal tea garden workers
Among all the workers of different tea gardens of Bangladesh, 95% workers belong to Hindu tribal. But they are victim of severe exploitation through all these years. Govt must table a bill to hike their wage as well as basic facilities like health, ration and primary education for their children.