Hindu Voice Desk: An incident of robbery took place at Kashimpur Central Crematorium in Baraharishpur of Natore Sadar Upazila. Tarun Chandra Das, an old man serving there, was also killed. The temple was looted. The police believe that this incident took place last Friday(20/12/2024) night.
Deceased priest Tarun Chandra Das (55) is the son of late Kalipada Das of Alaipur Dhopapara Mohalla of Natore city. He lived in Mahasmashan temple for almost two decades.
Mahashamshan Committee General Secretary Satya Narayan Roy confirmed the murder of Sebayet or priest. He said that on Saturday morning, the members of Mahashamshan Mandir went to the funeral home and found the dead body of the serviceman with his hands and feet tied. Tarun was in charge of temple services for 23 years. On receiving the information, the police visited the spot.
Satya Narayan Roy said, ‘The temple’s donation box and storage room had their locks broken and grills cut. It is likely that the robbers killed the young man and took the money and brass utensils of the temple’.
Officer-in-Charge (OC) of Natore Police Station Mahbubur Rahman said, “The body of a man with his hands and feet tied has been recovered from the crematorium. Some evidence of looting of the crematorium’s storage room was found. It is possible that the person may have been killed in connection with the incident of theft or robbery.