Amid the election campaign and Bengali New Year festivities, Hindus are attacked in the Murshidabad district of West Bengal. Yesterday, on the night of the 13th of April, Islamists allegedly attacked Hindus. A Hindu temple is also vandalised.
As per the received information, on the night, around 10 PM, a group of Islamists attacked Hindus in Mirzapur under the Beldanga Police Station of the Murshidabad district of West Bengal. Several houses were damaged. A motorcycle was completely broken.
A Shiva temple was also attacked. Shiva Lingam was vandalised. Hindu villagers alleged that Islamists urinated inside the temple. Some Islamists tried to uproot the Shiva Lingam.
Later, a massive police force reached the village and alleviated the situation. But, till now, Hindus are living in fear.
To prevent further violence, the administration imposed Section 144 in the area.
As of now, no news of arrest so far.