A Chinese citizen with a forged Nepali identity was arrested at the Bharat-Nepal border in Panitanki on the outskirts of Siliguri on Wednesday. The arrested has been identified as Yonghi Peng.
The Chinese man was caught while he was entering Bharat from Nepal. After a few hours of questioning, he was handed over to the Police by SSB for further investigation.
Officials said that the Chinese man was questioned after being found to be carrying a Nepali Citizenship Document along with Nepal Passports that were fake. The name in the Nepali Citizenship document was Umesh Yonzon. However, a Chinese residential certificate was also found from the man and the name ‘Yonghi Peng’ is written on that document.
During the initial investigation, the man claimed that he worked at a casino in Nepal and had come to Bharat to look for clients. Also, police found food items and clothes all produced by Chinese brands.