The October 7, 2023 invasion of Israel by Hamas, during which waves of Islamic terrorists slaughtered over 1,500 people, including infants and Holocaust survivors; raped hundreds of women; and took around 200 hostages, including babies and toddlers, will rank as one of the most apocalyptic events of the century. The invasion, which was broadcast almost …
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দুর্গা পূজা নির্বিঘ্নে কাটলেও বিসর্জনের শোভাযাত্রায় হামলার ঘটনা ঘটলো। অভিযোগ, দুর্গা ঠাকুর বিসর্জনের শোভাযাত্রায় হামলা চালিয়েছে ইসলামিক মৌলবাদীরা। ঘটনা বীরভূম জেলার মুরারই থানার অন্তর্গত আমডোল গ্রামের। #WestBengalIslamic radical elements attacked Durga Murti immersion procession at Amdol village, under Muraroi Police Station of #Birbhum district. Islamists pelted stones.++ — Hindu Voice (@HinduVoice_in) October 26, 2023 …
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Amid ongoing Durga Puja, Islamic radicals are trying to incite anti-Hindu violence in Muslim majority Bangladesh. With an attempt to create a 2021-like situation, a Muslim youth entered a Durga Puja mandap to place the Quran Sharif. But, vigilant Hindu volunteers caught the Muslim youth and handed him over to the Police. The incident has …
Amid incessant attacks on Hindu temple, beef is thrown in a Durga Puja mandap in Bangladesh. As per the reports, the incident happened in a Durga Puja mandap at Keraniganj of Dhaka. The Police immediately launched an investigation and arrested four islamic radicals. The arrested are Muhammed Sujan, Muhammed Rakib, Ibrahim Uddin and Ripon Hossain. …
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Durga Murti vandalism by islamic radicals continues in Bangladesh. Now, an Islamic radical vandalised the Murti of Maa Durga in Narsingdi district of Bangladesh. The Police arrested accused radical Muhammed Monir. As per the received information, local Hindus organised Durga Puja at Vitichinadi village under Shibpur Upazila of Narsingdi district. On 18th of October, a …
Ahead of the Durga Puja, numerous attacks on Hindu temples and Murti breaking are happening in Muslim-majority Bangladesh. Amid this, the Islamic Foundation of Bangladesh issued a notice to control loudspeakers and other musical instruments during Azaan and Namaaz. As per the notice issued by the Habiganj district unit of the Islamic Foundation, the decision …
বাংলাদেশে পূজার প্রাক্কালে দুর্গা প্রতিমা ভাঙচুর করার ঘটনা অব্যাহত। এবারে প্রতিমা ভাঙচুর করার ঘটনা ঘটলো খুলনা জেলার শীতলাবাড়ি মন্দিরে। মহালয়ার দিন সকালে এই ঘটনা ঘটে। জানা গিয়েছে, মহালয়ার দিন ওই মন্দিরে অনুষ্ঠান চলছিল। সেই অনুষ্ঠান দেখতে এসেছিলেন স্থানীয় হিন্দু সংখ্যালঘু সম্প্রদায়ের অনেকেই। অনুষ্ঠান দেখতে এসেছিলেন একজন বোরখা পরা মহিলাও। অভিযোগ, অনুষ্ঠান চলাকালীন মন্দিরের নির্মীয়মান মন্দিরের …
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Ahead of Durga Puja, attacks on the minority communities continue in Muslim majority Bangladesh. Now, reports have been coming that the ruling party, Awami League cadres have attacked a rally of minorities in Comilla Town. As per the reports, on 13th of october, Friday, the biggest organisation of different minority communities of Bangladesh, ‘Bangladesh Hindu, …
Hindu persecution continues in Muslim-majority Bangladesh. This time, Islamists attacked a Hindu minority family in the Jhalkathi district of Bangladesh. As per reports by Ekattor TV of Bangladesh, on the 7th of October morning, a gang of Islamists attacked the house of Dhiren Pal. The Islamists vandalised the house and struck the temple adjacent to …
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Amid continuous attacks on Hindu minorities and Murti breaking, a Hindu woman is jailed over alleged blasphemy charges. Local Hindus say that false blasphemy charges have been framed against the woman to avenge personal enmity. The jailed Hindu woman has been identified as Rupali Rani Das(45). Rupali Rani is a resident of Gouramba Union under the …
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