Bangladesh: Hindu woman jailed in Bagerhat district over false blasphemy charges

Updated: 05 October, 2023 5:56 am IST

Amid continuous attacks on Hindu minorities and Murti breaking, a Hindu woman is jailed over alleged blasphemy charges. Local Hindus say that false blasphemy charges have been framed against the woman to avenge personal enmity. 

The jailed Hindu woman has been identified as Rupali Rani Das(45). Rupali Rani is a resident of Gouramba Union under the Rampal Police Station of Bagerhat district. 

As per the received information, on the 26th of September, a person named Iyasin Khandakar filed a written complaint in the Rampal Police Station against Rupali Rani Das. In the complaint, it has been alleged that Rupali made obscene remarks against Hazrat Muhammad and Islam. Based on this complaint, the Police arrested Rupali Rani under Sections 153/298/506 of the Bangladesh Penal Code. 

Notably, on the 24th of September, when Rupali Rani went to fetch water from the nearby tube well, a quarrel broke out with a Muslim woman named Momena Begum. That time, the Muslim woman threatened her. Later, the Muslim woman spread propaganda against Rupali in the village and made obscene remarks against Muhammad and Islam. 

Later, local islamists forced the Hindu woman to apologise in front of local public. Next day, a group of Islamic radicals attacked her home and vandalised it. But, the Police have no proof except the allegations made by a local Muslim woman. Some say, the allegations are baseless. False case of blasphemy has been framed due to personal enmity.